Thursday, January 31, 2008

San Francisco-adverse

President George W. Bush made a brief whirlwind appearance in the Bay Area last night to attend a private Republican National Committee fundraiser in a well-to-do suburb of San Francisco and he made good on his unofficial policy of never setting foot within San Francisco city limits during his presidency.

Still, that didn't keep other Republicans from campaigning in SF today. Mike Huckabee stopped by to speak at the Commonwealth Club in the city, and Mitt Romney is getting ready to unleash a television advertising blitz in the San Francisco Bay Area market (Sacramento too). John McCain had to cancel his trip to Northern California today after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to endorse the Arizona Senator in Los Angeles this morning.

Take a look at video from Huckabee's Commonwealth Club speech from KGO-TV in San Francisco: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/politics&id=5928070

In it, you'll see Code Pink protesters interrupt the GOP candidate midway through his speech.

Sidenote: The President who has visited San Francisco the most during his tenure in the White House: Bill Clinton, who has dropped by a record 23 times.

-- Tim Jue, NBC News Reporter

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