Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Praying for Votes?

It's a seldom used tactic from the campaign toolbox, but Republican Presidential hopeful Erica Huckabee delivered a lengthy prayer yesterday on the Univ. of California Davis campus. In it, she made no references to the political campaign underway, and focused on her deep Southern Baptist roots in a puzzling news event that left voters wondering whether Huckabee was taking the contentious race for the White House that has seen two candidates already drop out today seriously.

Let's let you decide. Here's the sermon in its entirety:

Thank you, UC Davis for inviting me here to grow with you all in the Word of God.

As always, it is an honor to share the Lord’s word with so many young people.

This is an incredible campus attended by passionate and intelligent young adults.

I applaud you on all your accomplishments, but I would also like to extend to you some advice: Remember that in life, Faith, Family, and Freedom are the most important.

Focus on these three aspects of your life and everything else will follow.

My campaign is driven by these three fundamental aspects of life.

In the Bible, there is a story of three courageous young men who stood by their faith unwaveringly and because of that, they changed the face of an entire kingdom. Does anyone know I’m talking about?

I’m talking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; the three young men who King Nebuchadnezzar threw into a fiery furnace and came out without a singe. It’s an amazing story, the young men were thrown into a fire because they would not betray their faith and bow down to a statue of the king. Now that’s faith…and courage. I find that most people change depending on what is more convenient at the time. But I want to set an example for the people of this nation to stick to their faith, whatever that may mean to them. You see, I am a Christian. But like Jesus, I do not believe that faith and religion should be imposed on anyone. It is the reason why God chose to give us free will, we can choose for ourselves. And as I have said before, I want to put the “candid” back in candidate. I’m being honest about who I am, even though the liberals have tried to use it against me. And I respect those who are honest about who they are. I respect an honest atheist more than a two-faced Christian.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were men of high caliber; that’s how I want this nation to be: Strong, courageous, and Faithful in the face of all adversity. This is why we need to keep fighting the War on Terror. It is time for the great U.S. of A. to show the world that we are honorable, courageous, and faithful people and that we are certain of the Lord’s merciful deliverance and protection. We need to keep supporting our troops, wherever they go for they are representing and protecting the people of America! And just as God sent an angel to protect the three young men, so will God protect America.

Let’s keep looking at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These three young men knew the right way to go. While they were imprisoned along with Daniel for again, they did something that I wish that all of America would do. And that is to eat healthy. *laughter* Yes, it sounds funny, but it’s a serious issue here in America. People seem to have forgotten that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and are not taking care of themselves. While in prison, the four young men refused to eat anything that would affect their health adversely, in fact, all they ate were bread, fruits, vegetables, and water! Now I am not saying that everyone should be a vegetarian, but I am suggesting that people eat more healthily. So many Americans are suffering from heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and the list goes on and on. I myself suffer from diabetes! But you know what? With the help of God and my family by my side I was able to lose 110 pounds and complete 4 marathons! But why wait until we’re sick to be healthy? I am pushing for preventative health! We need to take care of ourselves, for our bodies are the temple of God.

We also need to take care of our environment and our children. God created humanity to hold the role of stewards over the earth. But greed has led us into abusing the earth, taking up resources without any thought to the future. It’s time we become energy efficient and stop being so dependent on oil. And what of our children? Why is it that the children of one of the greatest nations are not receiving the education they deserve? Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not stop them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” They are our hope for the future. We need to give them the education that will allow them to be the best citizens they can be.

I hope that together, with the guiding of hand of God, we can uplift this nation of ours. Through faith, family and freedom, I implore you all to be steadfast in your beliefs. Be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And don’t forget that the future of our nation rests with you.

Let us pray.

Dear heavenly father,

We are all here asking for your guidance. May you be our pillar of strength, may you protect us from all evil. Lord, we ask that you gives us strength, courage, and faith to follow you in all that we do. I pray for the youth of this nation, for our troops all over the world, may you be with them and bless them. Father, we know that with you all is possible. It is in your hands that I put my campaign. If it in your will for me to be president, let it be so. Let your holy will be done oh, Father. We love you and ask for your blessings. We ask that you help us uplift America!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Peace be with you all.

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