President George W. Bush made a brief whirlwind appearance in the Bay Area last night to attend a private Republican National Committee fundraiser in a well-to-do suburb of San Francisco and he made good on his unofficial policy of never setting foot within San Francisco city limits during his presidency.
Still, that didn't keep other Republicans from campaigning in SF today. Mike Huckabee stopped by to speak at the Commonwealth Club in the city, and Mitt Romney is getting ready to unleash a television advertising blitz in the San Francisco Bay Area market (Sacramento too). John McCain had to cancel his trip to Northern California today after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to endorse the Arizona Senator in Los Angeles this morning.
In it, you'll see Code Pink protesters interrupt the GOP candidate midway through his speech.
Sidenote: The President who has visited San Francisco the most during his tenure in the White House: Bill Clinton, who has dropped by a record 23 times.
Endorsements have been a hot topic here in the 2008 primary elections with everyone talking about who is endorsing whom. Almost any endorsement imaginable has been seen and endorsements have been made by everyone from celebrities to congressmen. For your convenience, we have listed some of the notable candidate endorsements here. Enjoy!
Huckabee: Chuck Norris McCain: Syllvestor Stallone, Guiliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, New York Times Obama: Edward Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, John Kerry, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Toni Morrison, New York Post, SF Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News Clinton: New York Times, Martha Stewart, Jerry Springer, 50 cent, Dolores Huerta and the UFW (United Farm Workers) Romney: Quite a few people in the conservative wing of the Republican party, The Oakland Press Ron Paul: The Muslim Observer
It's a seldom used tactic from the campaign toolbox, but Republican Presidential hopeful Erica Huckabee delivered a lengthy prayer yesterday on the Univ. of California Davis campus. In it, she made no references to the political campaign underway, and focused on her deep Southern Baptist roots in a puzzling news event that left voters wondering whether Huckabee was taking the contentious race for the White House that has seen two candidates already drop out today seriously.
Let's let you decide. Here's the sermon in its entirety:
Thank you, UC Davis for inviting me here to grow with you all in the Word of God.
As always, it is an honor to share the Lord’s word with so many young people.
This is an incredible campus attended by passionate and intelligent young adults.
I applaud you on all your accomplishments, but I would also like to extend to you some advice: Remember that in life, Faith, Family, and Freedom are the most important.
Focus on these three aspects of your life and everything else will follow.
My campaign is driven by these three fundamental aspects of life.
In the Bible, there is a story of three courageous young men who stood by their faith unwaveringly and because of that, they changed the face of an entire kingdom.Does anyone know I’m talking about?
I’m talking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; the three young men who King Nebuchadnezzar threw into a fiery furnace and came out without a singe.It’s an amazing story, the young men were thrown into a fire because they would not betray their faith and bow down to a statue of the king.Now that’s faith…and courage.I find that most people change depending on what is more convenient at the time.But I want to set an example for the people of this nation to stick to their faith, whatever that may mean to them.You see, I am a Christian.But like Jesus, I do not believe that faith and religion should be imposed on anyone.It is the reason why God chose to give us free will, we can choose for ourselves.And as I have said before, I want to put the “candid” back in candidate.I’m being honest about who I am, even though the liberals have tried to use it against me.And I respect those who are honest about who they are.I respect an honest atheist more than a two-faced Christian.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were men of high caliber; that’s how I want this nation to be: Strong, courageous, and Faithful in the face of all adversity.This is why we need to keep fighting the War on Terror.It is time for the great U.S. of A. to show the world that we are honorable, courageous, and faithful people and that we are certain of the Lord’s merciful deliverance and protection.We need to keep supporting our troops, wherever they go for they are representing and protecting the people of America!And just as God sent an angel to protect the three young men, so will God protect America.
Let’s keep looking at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These three young men knew the right way to go.While they were imprisoned along with Daniel for again, they did something that I wish that all of America would do.And that is to eat healthy. *laughter*Yes, it sounds funny, but it’s a serious issue here in America.People seem to have forgotten that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and are not taking care of themselves.While in prison, the four young men refused to eat anything that would affect their health adversely, in fact, all they ate were bread, fruits, vegetables, and water! Now I am not saying that everyone should be a vegetarian, but I am suggesting that people eat more healthily.So many Americans are suffering from heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and the list goes on and on.I myself suffer from diabetes!But you know what?With the help of God and my family by my side I was able to lose 110 pounds and complete 4 marathons! But why wait until we’re sick to be healthy? I am pushing for preventative health! We need to take care of ourselves, for our bodies are the temple of God.
We also need to take care of our environment and our children.God created humanity to hold the role of stewards over the earth.But greed has led us into abusing the earth, taking up resources without any thought to the future.It’s time we become energy efficient and stop being so dependent on oil.And what of our children?Why is it that the children of one of the greatest nations are not receiving the education they deserve?Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not stop them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”They are our hope for the future.We need to give them the education that will allow them to be the best citizens they can be.
I hope that together, with the guiding of hand of God, we can uplift this nation of ours. Through faith, family and freedom, I implore you all to be steadfast in your beliefs. Be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And don’t forget that the future of our nation rests with you.
Let us pray.
Dear heavenly father,
We are all here asking for your guidance. May you be our pillar of strength, may you protect us from all evil. Lord, we ask that you gives us strength, courage, and faith to follow you in all that we do. I pray for the youth of this nation, for our troops all over the world, may you be with them and bless them. Father, we know that with you all is possible.It is in your hands that I put my campaign.If it in your will for me to be president, let it be so. Let your holy will be done oh, Father. We love you and ask for your blessings. We ask that you help us uplift America!
It certainly isn't my goal to start a war between Northern and Southern California, but this is sure to roil some feathers come next Tuesday.
The state as a whole stands to play a pivotal role in deciding who our next President will be. There are a whopping 441 Democratic delegates up for grabs and 173 delegates at stake to be distributed amongst the winning GOP candidates. For once, California counts.
Pollster Mark DiCamillo, who has been taking the state's political pulse for 30 years, describes the beer vote as mostly blue-collar workers, the elderly and ethnic Democrats, especially Latinos, in the Los Angeles area and rural parts of the state.
The more liberal, more educated, wine-and-cheese crowd congregates here in the Bay Area, where more than a quarter of the ballots will be cast in the Democratic primary Feb. 5, he says.
And as DiCamillo sees it, the blue-collar group likes Clinton and the wine-and-cheesers go more for Obama.
"If Obama has any chance of winning California, we should see it here in the Bay Area," DiCamillo said. "And he'll have to be winning here by double digits" - no easy task, considering the Clintons' long popularity in the area.
So the voters that'll probably decide who will get the state's hundreds of delegate votes will most likely live in the heavily Democratic San Francisco Bay Area -- where, there is virtually no evidence of a Republican campaign anywhere. There aren't any campaign offices for any of the major candidates, and the TV airwaves are strangely void of any Presidential hopeful ads other than those for the Democratic candidates.
Chris Lehane, a surrogate for the Clinton campaign in California, is already predicting that "the crazy Bay Area is going to pick the next president."
It seems like a feud is in the making between Fox News and all of us here at NBC. I want to address this issue because, as you all know, I was the moderator for "Meet the Press." On Thursday 17 January 2008, NBC was set to host a special, live edition of "Meet the Press," and without any visible obstacles, I was anticipating for the show to run smoothly. To a certain extent and much to my dismay, this would not be so. Five minutes before the show was to air, Fox News Anchor Kristin Cook approached me and proclaimed that she was ready to participate in the event. I then informed Miss Cook that NBC had not originally scheduled her to appear on the show, however, I did inform her that although this was the case, I wouldn't mind her taking a seat in the discussion panel. I did not use the Davis Enterprise's late response towards attending the show as an excuse or reason for Miss Cook to participate in the event. I did however, mention, that I was unsure if the Davis Enterprise was going to participate in the show because I could not contact the respective News Analyst. I further went on to state that regardless of the Davis Enterprise's participation in the show, I could add Miss Cook to the line-up of News Analyst's. Unfortunately and somewhat insulting, Miss Cook stated to my face: "If I don't have to go on Camera, then I don't want to." And that is where the feud seemed to have begun.
I don't want to believe that I am under a foolish pretense by believing that all of the participants, both journalists and candidates are to be aware of the way that our show or any other political event is traditionally run. "Meet the Press" traditionally invites Print Analyst's or any other form of analyst's, not involved in television, to participate in the show. With that being said, I truly hope that this frivolous and insignificant "feud" is over. NBC News is here to focus in on the candidates and we take pride in our presentation of the news; we do not have time to be addressing mundane events which do not contribute to the public's desire for political awareness.To wrap this up, I would like to say to Fox News that it is unfortunate that the events pursued in the manner in which they did: GET OVER IT.
Good Evening, and Welcome to NBC's newly created: The Daily Nightly. As America's News Leader, NBC strongly believes in the notion that the people should have the ability to speak their minds and living in today's technologically savvy culture, it seems like a blog is both appropriate and extremely effective. As I mentioned above, it is the main intent of NBC for all those who participate to speak their fingers (or as we are more often familiar with, Speak Their Minds)! We want the participants to do this in any way they wish to, i.e. informally or formally. NBC does not believe in censorship nor does it believe that a certain political base deserves more or less publicity over others. So, I welcome you to SPEAK YOUR MIND and share your opinions with us here at NBC, after all, we in the press highly believe in the 1st Amendment. From all of us here at NBC, Good Night and Remember: NBC News is America's News Leader.
The Daily Nightly is the official blog from the NBC News team, headed by NBC News anchor Fabian Gonzalez. This is a place where you can turn to for the story behind the story. You'll get a chance to read our reporters' accounts of news that's been making headlines, and take a behind the scenes look at the editorial process at America's News Leader.
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